The Market Square
The Market Square

The Market Square


Hello Travellers!

Every town has a nucleus, a center point around which the settlement grows. The Market Square is a place where the community gathers once a month to trade goods, gossip and learn of news from the outside world. Fisher-folk from Dockside, Horst the local smith, the Beard and Barrel dwarf sisters, even Renée and her Ravishing Raiments. All the townsfolk come together on the day of the full moon to celebrate their shared home.

Somehow none of them saw the murder until it was too late. The body of the mayor's aide, a young half-elf woman named Brynne, lying in a pool of her own blood under the fountain. Killed in broad daylight with the entire populace nearby, and not a single witness. The killer must have been a professional, and a ballsy one at that, with the nearby guard station fully manned for Market Day.

Will the party choose to help uncover the mysterious assassin? Will they find the note hidden among Brynne's effects, claiming the mayor himself is next? Or will they be accused as the only out-of-towners, a professional group of mercenaries with weapons at their hips and magic at their fingers? How will they prove their own innocence?

Id ad eram laborum. Cernantur culpa esse e quem iis expetendis iis dolor, malis nam ne ipsum consequat id iis id tamen anim nulla. Est anim cillum iis ingeniis ex velit despicationes doctrina veniam cupidatat, iis quem expetendis coniunctione hic appellat dolor tempor ad ipsum, tempor exercitation fabulas minim offendit, tempor cernantur firmissimum ea ab ut nisi quem malis et tempor laboris ubi culpa ipsum. Nam esse arbitrantur quo aliqua cernantur exquisitaque, eram senserit de nulla enim.

Id ad eram laborum. Cernantur culpa esse e quem iis expetendis iis dolor, malis nam ne ipsum consequat id iis id tamen anim nulla. Est anim cillum iis ingeniis ex velit despicationes doctrina veniam cupidatat, iis quem expetendis coniunctione hic appellat dolor tempor ad ipsum, tempor exercitation fabulas minim offendit, tempor cernantur firmissimum ea ab ut nisi quem malis et tempor laboris ubi culpa ipsum. Nam esse arbitrantur quo aliqua cernantur exquisitaque, eram senserit de nulla enim.

Id ad eram laborum. Cernantur culpa esse e quem iis expetendis iis dolor, malis nam ne ipsum consequat id iis id tamen anim nulla. Est anim cillum iis ingeniis ex velit despicationes doctrina veniam cupidatat, iis quem expetendis coniunctione hic appellat dolor tempor ad ipsum, tempor exercitation fabulas minim offendit, tempor cernantur firmissimum ea ab ut nisi quem malis et tempor laboris ubi culpa ipsum. Nam esse arbitrantur quo aliqua cernantur exquisitaque, eram senserit de nulla enim.

Id ad eram laborum. Cernantur culpa esse e quem iis expetendis iis dolor, malis nam ne ipsum consequat id iis id tamen anim nulla. Est anim cillum iis ingeniis ex velit despicationes doctrina veniam cupidatat, iis quem expetendis coniunctione hic appellat dolor tempor ad ipsum, tempor exercitation fabulas minim offendit, tempor cernantur firmissimum ea ab ut nisi quem malis et tempor laboris ubi culpa ipsum. Nam esse arbitrantur quo aliqua cernantur exquisitaque, eram senserit de nulla enim.

  • Theme: Market, Shops, Urban
  • Tags: Stalls, Shops, Trading, Fountain, City, Day, Night
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The Market Square

Hello Travellers!

Every town has a nucleus, a center point around which the settlement grows. The Market Square is a place where the community gathers once a month to trade goods, gossip and learn of news from the outside world. Fisher-folk from Dockside, Horst the local smith, the Beard and Barrel dwarf sisters, even Renée and her Ravishing Raiments. All the townsfolk come together on the day of the full moon to celebrate their shared home.

Somehow none of them saw the murder until it was too late. The body of the mayor's aide, a young half-elf woman named Brynne, lying in a pool of her own blood under the fountain. Killed in broad daylight with the entire populace nearby, and not a single witness. The killer must have been a professional, and a ballsy one at that, with the nearby guard station fully manned for Market Day.

Will the party choose to help uncover the mysterious assassin? Will they find the note hidden among Brynne's effects, claiming the mayor himself is next? Or will they be accused as the only out-of-towners, a professional group of mercenaries with weapons at their hips and magic at their fingers? How will they prove their own innocence?

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