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Not a 100 Day Challenge... a Confession


As you might have gathered my foray into undertaking a 100 day project / challenge, has somewhat fallen short of that target. I felt pumped to start it but after a couple of days I realised it just wasn't for me, even though the concept and the theme appealed I just couldn't get into.

Sure it's meant to have an element of perseverance and I'm not one to shy from that, I always aim to see things through no matter how hard it is but this ended up being a little bit of a creative buzz kill or if it was a good day it did spur me to work on other ideas, absolutely nothing to do with the 100 day project.

So I nipped it in the bud before I felt like I was wasting any more time.


Anyway, it wasn't as if the issue lay with wanting to get back to making and creating, far from it.

In reality, it was a distraction.

My current work role isn't fulfilling me, even more so now that I am working from home and I just don't feel useful any more. I am relieved that the contract is coming to an end soon (sort of) but that also means I do need to think about my future career and what I want from the next role. And not, what teacup to doodle next.

I can remain creative but I do need to earn a living. I've not yet found a happy medium.

Time will tell if I find something this next go round, but for now, teacups will be left to drinking out of, they might feature in my next make but for now, I will job search and make what I want, when I want to and here are some recent examples...

Like reading a book, why force yourself to read one more chapter when you are simply not enjoying it?



I've been designing my own cute little cross-stitch patterns (these will be coming soon if anyone wanted to stitch them too), I made an artist's apron for my mum for her birthday, and recently I've been working on ideas on how to use up my fabric scraps/stash so first off the bench are hand stitched, one of a kind pin cushions and making other bits of clothing for myself (with more items in the planning).

So I might not be doing 100 Days of Teacups but I will continue to make what I want, when I want, in between the great job search of 2020.


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